Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Sunday, May 18, 2003
So... I got my grades from this past semester the other day. Scored 2 B's when I needed 2 A's to get into grad school.

Well, doesn't that just stink?

So I'm basically forced into the teaching program at UTSA. Not that that's a BAD thing... but I was really hoping to get into grad school so I could, like, teach on the college level eventually. I could still try to get into grad school, but that means another semester of lit classes that I can't really stomach that might end up being another wasted semester. I'd rather move on and actually make this damn English degree of mine worth something.

On top of that... I finished my first project at my new job on Friday night. We were SUPPOSED to be working on the project until the begining of June, but the silly higher-ups decided to also have a group out of Ohio grade the test as well... leaving us out to dry because they upped the grading rate bigtime since they were a day group and we were a night group. Having 4 extra hours a day to grade will do that. I just hope I get assigned to another project quick-like since I actually wanna have some cash to do stuff this summer. I REALLY don't want to have to go back to some attrocious place like Fiesta Texas... *shudders*

I've decided that I no longer care about plot in movies, TV, anime, and whatnot. Its just not worth it anymore to be honest. Why be so uptight about having a plot in the stuff you're watching and refusing to watch something because it doesn't attempt anything beyond stuff blowing up and people getting shot? Sure, it's cool to have some semblance of story, but in the end I'm just as happy watching people beat the crud out of each other as I am after seeing a plot play out. Now I can laugh at people who think they're all smart and right because they only watch stuff with "plot" and "character development" and do nothing but complain about shows that don't have it...

Ah, I might as well just say it. All the anime fans out there than say "ooo... I don't like that show because it doesn't have character development" have just gotten on my nerves. Heehee... They boohoo Noir because its just a stylish action show with the only character development being the lesbian inuendo between the main characters, but then go around saying how some lame-fest like Love Hina or Trigun is SO much better because it has "character development" and "plot." How is Naru going from punching Keitaro's lights out to punching his lights out and then blushing about it afterwards because she really wants in his pants "character development?" How is "my brother wants to kill me, but I don't want to kill him and his henchmen" more of a "plot" than "two lesbians kill stuff for cash-money?" I think I just wanna go deck the first Vash cosplayer I see at A-Kon in the face just out of principle.

And today's obligatory L5R plug: GAH! I couldn't go to the card shop to play L5R this weekend. I had to stay home this weekend and housesit since my parents went to the coast to play this weekend. Good for them since they never get to do anything like that, but bad for me since I wanted to slaughter the newbie L5Rers this weekend. I need to taste proverbial blood! ROAR!

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