Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Thursday, November 28, 2002
Ok, so its Turkey Day, so what do I do? Spend it with my family and eats a lot? Nope. I spend the day asleep in bed because I feel absolutely miserable because of allergies.

I can't remember the last Thanksgiving where I actually felt good enough to be around my family. Its not that I hate any of them, which is FAR from the truth, but my allergies are just SO bad this time of year that I rarely ever get to enjoy Thanksgiving like everyone else. Normally I can just tough it out and at least pretend to enjoy things, but this year I fell asleep on the couch before we started Thanksgiving "dinner," it was more like lunch since it took place at noon, and then when I was finally roused out of sleep to go get something to eat I just slipped off to my room, still in my clothes, and fell asleep. I didn't wake up until almost 6 this evening. I missed out on going to the movies, although the only movie that's out that I haven't seen yet that looks remotely interesting is Solaris so I guess I'm not missing out on TOO much. I'll just go see it tomorrow if I'm feeling better.

Man... it sucks to be almost bed-ridden when you don't even have anything you want to avoid doing... Why couldn't I get this sick when I still had a job...
Monday, November 25, 2002
Tomorrow my aunt, uncle, and cousins are coming into town for Thanksgiving. Yes, the dreaded "anti-christ" is coming to ruin Thanksgiving yet again. One of my cousins, a boy who is in the 6th grade... I think... something like that... is just Hell on two legs. He has... problems. Mental problems. Lots of them. His sister rattled them off to us one time and there were too many to count. The kid takes like 10 pills a day to keep it all down and it still doesn't help all the time. Its not that I HATE the kid, since a lot of his problems are things he just can't control, but he just causes so much strife and chaos when he's around that I just dread the days when his family comes to visit. What makes it even worse is that I usually get him handed off to me to watch since he REALLY looks up to me and always wants me to play with him and whatnot, which usually consists of me building something neat with Legos and him destroying it or something along the lines of me having fun and him ruining it...

At least my uncle feels sorry enough for me that he pays me to watch him. More L5R money! Yay!

Heehee... and I bet you thought I was gonna go an entire rant without mentioning L5R. NEVER!

Still no word from UTSA about grad school. My mom's getting antsy about it and is threatening to call the college about it. If that happens then I'll for sure NOT get in due to a nagging mother. Please don't call... please don't call...
Tonight I got to see someone pull off one of the coolest things you can do in Legend of the 5 Rings. One of my friends got an Enlightenment victory.

In L5R, there are 5 "Ring" cards that represent the five elements from Musashi's Book Of The Five Rings: Fire, Earth, Air, Water, and Void. To bring these cards into play, you have to acheive a VERY difficult feat in the card game, like beating a person with higher Chi in a duel to bring the Ring of Fire into play or totally deplete your hand of cards except for the Ring of the Void to bring it into play. If you bring all five cards into play, you win instantly. I've managed to bring 2 of the Rings into play at the most and have never even TRIED to go for all five, so seeing a friend of mine achieve this difficult feat was a very cool thing. I even told him in the middle of the game after he had brought two of the Rings into play that if he pulled off the Enlightenment victory I'd give him a rare card he had been wanting. That must have inspired him because he survived massive attacks from my other friend's Crab deck to bring in the last three Rings. Very, very cool...

On another L5R note, I beat the guy who owns the comic/card shop where I play L5R today. First time anyone in my group had beaten him. But enough of L5R, there must be something of actual worth in my life to write about.



I guess there isn't. Oh well...

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