Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Sunday, December 15, 2002
Ok.... been awhile since I last updated this silly thing. Bet you thought I'd forgotten about it, right? As if anyone's still reading... heeheehee...

Been sick all week. Today's the first day I've returned to my usual "sick but not to the point where I can't do anything" self. Damn allergies kept me from gaming most of the week...

I'm trying to figure out what to write next for the FPL. I have a few remakes in mind but I'm not sure if I should go through with them.

One of them is a remake of my recent character Chance Ikkoshi. Basically if I end up making him I'll update his story to the point where he has been taken captive by The Knights of Whispers, who are the defenders of Avalon, one of the kingdoms in the Dreamtime. I have the "clever" idea of having Aleister Michales and a few of his crew pull a rescue attempt while Chance is being sent to execution for his attempt to ravage Avalon. Not that they don't want to see him dead, its just that they need him for... something. Not sure what yet but they need Chance to get a hold of something of importance. I'd play off of that and see how the remake does. Hopefully Chance'll hit the HoF this time, I'm rather fond of him as a concept. I just need to pull him off better than I did the first time.

The second remake isn't really a remake in the strictest sense. Basically it will be the culmulation of what I started with The Manticore. His ultimate goal wasn't his own death, but to bring back his master, Polly Emerson, the 1st Pajama Pockets, from Purgatory, where she has been since she died in The Apocalypse. Polly has been traped there due to dying prematurely, and The Manticore has discovered this and plans to intervene with her inevitable reincarnation and force her to reincarnate within his own body, so that he will be with her forever and insure his continued existence. ....Naturally things get screwed up in the process, partially due to the interference of the current Pajama Pockets and possibly even her father Sebastian Dover (thus having father and daughter finally realize each other's true identity). The result of this messed up fusion would be the character, a twisted being of Magic and Dreaming. She'd be Fallen, of course, since I have no intention of ever making a villain for another team in the FPL. Still playing around with that idea. I need to watch Boogiepop Phantom again to inspire me since that's what gave me the idea in the first place.

The final idea... well... that one is under wraps for now. I'll just say that some people will be quite happy when I get around to this character.

So if anyone reads this, feel free to throw ideas at me. I'm in a revision mood as of late while I wait for the right time to make some "original" characters I've been planning for awhile...

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