Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Friday, December 05, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Chad Landon Smith. He was a boring little boy who just sat around all day playing games of all sorts. It didn't matter what kind of game it was, be it video, card, or board, but that's all he did.
Yeah, Chad's a real loser.
One day, Chad decided to tell his life story. That was it.
The End.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Been sick the past few days. That time of the year. I hate the cold. I hate pollen. Damn allergies.
Mentioned it in chat already... but I'm in a broken record mood so I'll repeat myself. Played in the L5R Reign of Blood pre-release today. I was 3-1 after the first 4 rounds. There were 8 of us left in contention for the finals. Top 4 were the only people who'd get a prize, with 2-4 getting swords and 1 getting a booster box from the new set.
Man... I was SO hoping for that box. Of course, it wasn't meant to be.
Because women are evil.
21 people played in today's tourney. 20 guys. 1 girl. And I end up playing against said lone girl in the deciding round to see who makes it to the finals. That then and there should have been enough for me to just conceed, since we ALL know that all women are copnspiring against me in their evil secret lairs, laughing maniacally at my silly misfortune. But I still gave it my fullest. No... I won't chalk up the loss to her playing Unicorn and having the Cavalry advantage. No... I won't chalk up the loss to me making one bad move in the early game that cost me a few units.
Women are evil and plotted my loss today. They denied me my booster box. Or at the very least my sword.
One day, Evil Methodical Society Of Women Plotting The Downfall Of Chad Landon Smith... ONE DAY... I will be victorious! Mwahahahahaha!