Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
I go to sleep early. Say 11ish. I sleep until 10 the next day. That's a good 11 hours of sleep. Granted, I woke up at 2 sneezing my head off, but I took some Benedryl and conked right back out.
So why in the hell am I still so damn sleepy 2 and a half hours after waking up?
The sleep gods must enjoy tormenting me.
Turkey Day fast approaches, and I am SO, SO, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that no relatives will be in town. Not only have my aunt, uncle, and cousins decided to stay in the hellhole known as Lubbock for Turkey Day, my grandparents decided to take a trip to New York that day as well.
I can stay in my pajamas all day. Life is good.
Oh, and have I ever mentioned that I hate my grandfather?
Well, technically speaking he isn't my real grandfather. My grandmother remarried when I was like 5 years old. My real grandfather died back in the 60s, so I never knew him. But anyway... yeah... I hate him. Most of my family hates him. He's a real jerk. Here's a little story to ilustrate just how much of a scumbag he is.
He goes to some lecture for some stupid political figure at a hotel in Austin or something like that. Said political figure gives out free copies of his book to the people that came. Said political figure runs out of copies of the book before my "grandfather" gets one. "Grandfather" goes out into the hotel lobby and sees a woman set down her copy of the book on a counter and walks away for a few minutes to do something. "Grandfather" steals book, then when woman sees this and demands he give back her book he says "finders keepers." That's a direct quote, according to my grandmother. He does it like he's proud of stealing her book.
I'm not one to genuinely hate a person. People get on my nerves. People annoy me. I'll jokingly say "I can't stand so-and-so" but there's no real animosity, just annoyance. I don't even really hate my maniacal cousin that I often gripe about. But my "grandfather"... I think I genuinely hate him. He's scum, plain and simple.
Oh... here's yet another story about him. This happened on my birthday a few years ago. We invite my grandmother and "him" to eat out with us at my favorite little restaurant, Good Time Charlie's. My grandmother isn't feeling well so she isn't able to come, but "he" comes. We're talking and my mom asks "him" why "he" hasn't taken my grandmother to the doctor. He replies, roughly speaking, "she has her own car and her own money, she can take herself and pay for herself if she wants to get better." And he goes on and on about this for a good 5 minutes while I can see my mom fuming with anger, since the bastard is more or less saying he really doesn't give a damn about my mom's mom.
If there's a Hell, I'm sure he has a nice seat reserved in one of the lower circles.
But anyway... enough of that. I don't like to bitch like that, but it had to be said...
This Saturday is the pre-release for the next L5R set. Reign of Blood. Gotta love a name like that. The set even has a card called, appropriately enough, Rain of Blood. Too bad its a mostly magic-centered set, although my 2nd favorite clan, Shadowlands, are getting a nice boost in this set. Onis go smashysmashy.