Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Friday, October 17, 2003
I wish there was an option to let people make responses to my idiotic rants. Live Journal gets them, so why can't I? What, just because no one I know has a free password to give out for Live Journal, and just because I'm too much of a cheapskate to pay for a place to put up my idiotic rants, that makes me unworthy of being able to read people's idiotic responses to my idiotic rants?

It probably does. I'm just a dirty, poor, unworthy heathen who is beneath having people post responses to my stupidity. Either that, or everyone is above the need to respond to my stupidity.

The latter's probably true. Heehee...

So, like, I forgot to say how cool Kill Bill is in my last entry.

Yeah. Man, it rocks. Uma Thurman kills stuff. The chick that played Mitsuko Souma in Battle Royale plays Gogo Yubari (at least I think its the same chick, they both have that same "I'm just as frikkin' psycho in real life as I am in this movie" look). Quentin Tarantino finally has a new movie out. And Uma Thurman kills stuff.

Its obvious what I liked the most about the movie.

But really... I would compare it to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Both movies take a genre, martial arts movies and pulp adventures respectively, and do everything right. Sure, nothing NEW is being presented. Each movie simply does what it does so perfectly, that it appears new.

Uma Thurman is to her katana as Harrison Ford is to his whip. 'Nuff said.

I'm probably gonna go see it for the third time tomorrow.

And I know a few of y'all have already seen it, but I'm gonna post it here for those who haven't. My Heroclix stats...

Outwit throughout the entire dial, just because I'm full of myself and like to think of myself as being able to outthink people. 2 clicks of Incapacitate for my bokken that my friend Robert still has. A click of Toughness for flavor. A click of Barrier to represent my cats getting in the way of things. 3 Ranged attacks to represent 3 of my cats. And increased Speed and Willpower on my last click to represent my "Get the hell out of here before I REALLY get my ass kicked" philpsophy. Heehee... All in all I doubt I'd get used in real Clix play since Outwit can be gained through cheaper and more effective ways and I have nothing else to offer to make up for it. Just the way things should be. Good enough to make an interesting prospect, but not good enough for people to actually want to use me. More time for me to slack. Heeheehee...

Funny enough, just minutes after this rant, I came across a site that allows you to make response bits for Blogs.

Isn't it Ironic? Don't 'cha think?

*clobbers Alanis Morrisette with a mallet*
Sunday, October 12, 2003
So like... I was talking to Dan over AIM. Seems those evil people on ICQ can harass us good natured AIM users now through some sort of unholy ICQ/AIM intermessenger communication link or something like that.

Its unnatural I tell you.

Anyway... Dan asks for my blog address. Knowing I haven't updated it in, like, forever, it takes me a minute to remember the addy. When I remember it I try to access my blog... only to realize I kinda... forgot my password.

I'm not one to forget trivial facts like that. I may not remember your birthday or when my homework is due, but when it comes to remembering insignificant facts like "Which episode of Cowboy Bebop did Faye try to rape Ed," I excell. So when I forgot my username and password to my blog here... I was dissapointed in myself. How DARE I forget something that isn't important. Its like I'm losing my touch. I almost wanted to cry...

Well, not really. It just makes for good blog fodder. Heehee...

Anyway... I JUST might start updating this thing again. Been in the mood to write as of late. Speak my mind. Etc etc.

So what does this mean?

More L5R rants from yours truly! Heeheehee...

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