Landon's Stupid Journal Thingie
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Insomnia sucks.
Monday, October 20, 2003
Its a bad thing when you think to yourself "You know... I ALREADY have a college degree... so if I do bad in these classes I'm taking it wouldn't be all that bad..."

Yeah, most of y'all know I'm taking a few classes this semester at a local community college. I've more or less realized that I'm not Graduate school material, and I also realized I'm not Teaching material, so I've given up on both of those endeavors.

Sorry, no "Great Teacher Landon" in real life.

A few days before this semester began, I got the crazy notion in my head, partially inspired by my parents, to go into the American Sign Language interpreting biz. Since my sister's deaf, I've had a good ammount of exposure to sign language and people who are deaf. I figured, "Hey, I have a leg up on some of the people who do this, this should be a breeze. I can get an Interpreting certificate in a few semesters and make some good money."

I was right in one regard and wrong in another.

Its easy, that's for sure. Sure, I already knew some ASL, but the language itself is simple enough that I'm catching on to the intricacies I didn't already know fairly fast.

I was wrong about the time.

3 years to get a certificate. 3 years taking classes that, based on my current classes in the subject, will be boring as hell. Even when it comes to new stuff, it feels really, really slow and tedious. And the whole deaf culture aspect of the courses is even worse. There's only so many ways to say "deaf people are no different than hearing people." I don't need multiple classes on the subject. Deaf people want to be recognized as being no different than anyone else, and I can sympathize with that because of my sister, but really... I don't need it pounded into my head, and I definately don't feel I need to be graded on it.

On the flipside, since I was going to be at college to begin with this semester, I decided to take Japanese since it wouldn't be much more expensive and it wouldn't cut into my work schedule or anything else.

Now THIS I love. Japanese is much more challenging, for me at least, than ASL. I think its because there's a written and spoken element (as opposed to ASL's singular manual element) to the language. Learning both at the same time is far more engaging for my mind. Even with my otaku leanings aside, I find the class to be the most enjoyable class I've taken since I first took a Linguistics course.

So... all that said and done, I'm pondering transfering to UT Austin next fall to take up Asian studies, with a concentration in Japanese. I don't know if I'll get in... but who knows...
Sunday, October 19, 2003
I'm bored.

Moreso than usual.

Instead of just saying what happened today, I'm gonna do it in Haiku form.

Sister in next room
Watching MTV, mind rots
Hulk Smash Mandy Moore

Playstation 2 game
Cheap games still steal souls

Instant potatoes
Do the mashed potato, slave!
Forgot to add salt

Family leaves the house
Peace, quiet, time to reflect?
No, play Playstation

Internet slacking
Gazing into screen, eyes burn
Maybe I should sleep?

Midterm on Monday
Brain says that I should study
Shut up stupid brain

Haiku gets boring
Wiseman once say: MONKEYHAT!
And then they all died

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